dimanche 26 mai 2013

Algorithme de la Méthode de Hamming pour résoudre les équations différentielles vectorielles en Matlab

Algorithme de la Méthode de Hamming pour résoudre les équations différentielles vectorielles en Matlab :

function [t,y] = ode_Ham(f,tspan,y0,N,KC,varargin)
% Hamming method to solve vector d.e. y’(t) = f(t,y(t))
% for tspan = [t0,tf] and with the initial value y0 and N time steps
% using the modifier based on the error estimate depending on KC = 1/0
if nargin < 5, KC = 1; end %with modifier by default
if nargin < 4 | N <= 0, N = 100; end %default maximum number of iterations
if nargin < 3, y0 = 0; end %default initial value
y0 = y0(:)’; end %make it a row vector
h = (tspan(2)-tspan(1))/N; %step size
tspan0 = tspan(1)+[0 3]*h;
[t,y] = ode_RK4(f,tspan0,y0,3,varargin{:}); %Initialize by Runge-Kutta
t = [t(1:3)’ t(4):h:tspan(2)]’;
for k = 2:4, F(k - 1,:) = feval(f,t(k),y(k,:),varargin{:}); end
p = y(4,:); c = y(4,:); h34 = h/3*4; KC11 = KC*112/121; KC91 = KC*9/121;
h312 = 3*h*[-1 2 1];
for k = 4:N
p1 = y(k - 3,:) + h34*(2*(F(1,:) + F(3,:)) - F(2,:)); %Eq.(6.4.9a)
m1 = p1 + KC11*(c - p); %Eq.(6.4.9b)
c1 = (-y(k - 2,:) + 9*y(k,:) +...
h312*[F(2:3,:); feval(f,t(k + 1),m1,varargin{:})])/8; %Eq.(6.4.9c)
y(k+1,:) = c1 - KC91*(c1 - p1); %Eq.(6.4.9d)
p = p1; c = c1; %update the predicted/corrected values
F = [F(2:3,:); feval(f,t(k + 1),y(k + 1,:),varargin{:})];

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